Society of Statistics, Computer and Applications Registration No. 32833

Statistics and Applications ISSN 2454-7395(online)

2024   Volume 22  No. 3 (New Series)

Special Issue in the Fond Memories of C R Rao on "Life and Work of CR Rao (1920-2023): The Revolutionary of Statistical Sciences"



B.L.S. Prakasa Rao


The Importance of C. R. Rao to the Graduate Student

Ezra Becker and Dibyen Majumdar

13-17 -

Reflections on the Life of CR Rao

James L. Rosenberger

29-30 -

CR Rao’s Shadows on Our Academic Journey

Sumanta Basu and Jyotishka Datta

31-35 -

List of 103 Selected Research Papers of C. R. Rao

V. K. Gupta, Bikas K. Sinha, and Bimal K. Sinha

37-43 -

The Fundamental BLUE Equation in Linear Models Revisited

Stephen J. Haslett, Jarkko Isotalo, Augustyn Markiewicz and Simo Puntanen

95-118 -

Survey of C.R. Rao’s Orthogonal Arrays, Balanced Arrays, and Their Applications

Gour Mohan Saha, Bikas Kumar Sinha and Ganesh Dutta

153-169 -

Testing with Cubic Smoothing Splines

Tapio Nummi, Jyrki M¨ott¨onen and Jianxin Pan

211-225 -

Split-plot Designs with Main Plot Treatments in Incomplete Blocks

B. N. Mandal, Rajender Parsad and Sukanta Dash

243-257 -

Meta Analysis for Rare Events

Dulal K. Bhaumik, Anup K. Amatya, and Soumya Sahu

259-283 -

r-Power for Multiple Hypotheses Testing under Dependence

Swarnita Chakraborty, Adebowale Sijuwade and Nairanjana Dasgupta

429-448 -

Hierarchical Bayes Small Area Estimation from Aggregated Data using Various Spatial Models

Jiacheng Li, Hee Cheol Chung, David Okech and Gauri Datta

449-469 -

On Retrieving Multivariate Data Sets from Their Moments

Serge B. Provost, S. Ejaz Ahmed and Zhaoqi Yang

471-483 -

On High-Dimensional Modifications of the Nearest Neighbor Classifier

Annesha Ghosh, Deep Ghoshal, Bilol Banerjee and Anil K. Ghosh

509-533 -

Access Structure Hiding Verifiable Tensor Designs

Anandarup Roy, Bimal Kumar Roy, Kouichi Sakurai and Suprita Talnikar

535-554 -

Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Deaths of Despair in the Appalachian Region of the United States

Vishal Deo, Raanan Gurewitsch, Saurav Guha, Meghana Ray and Saumyadipta Pyne

555-573 -

A New Unit Root Test for an Autoregressive Model Subject to Measurement Errors

Weerapat Rattanachadjan, Jiraphan Suntornchost and Partha Lahiri

575-594 -

Statistics and Applications ISSN 2454-7395(online)

2024   Volume 22   No. 2 (New Series)



Simple Linear Slope Estimators Based On Sample Quasi Ranges

Sharada V. Bhat and Shrinath M. Bijjargi

29-45 -

Price Forecasting of TOP (Tomato, Onion and Potato) Commodities using Hidden Markov-based Deep Learning Approach

G. Avinash, Ramasubramanian V., Ranjit Kumar Paul, Mrinmoy Ray, Shashi Dahiya, Mir Asif Iquebal, Samarth Godara and B. Manjunatha

63-90 -

A New Lifetime Distribution: Statistical Inference and it’s Applications

Arvind Pandey, Pawan Kumar Singh and Mahendra Saha

91-108 -

LDPC Codes Based on New Combinatorial Design

Shyam Saurabh1 and Kishore Sinha

109-119 -

Joint Importance Measures for Repairable Multistate Systems

V. M. Chacko, Ann Sania and Amrutha M.

189-202 -

Wavelet-ARIMA-TDNN Model for Agricultural Commodity Price Forecasting

Sathees Kumar K., Banjul Bhattacharyya, Gowthaman T. and Elakkiya N.

217-229 -

Linear Trend-Free Group Divisible Design

Longjam Roshini Chanu and K. K. Singh Meitei

259-265 -

Improving Data Validation

A. K. Nigam

363-368 -

2024   Volume 22   No. 1 (New Series)



Controllability and Observability of Fuzzy Matrix Lyapunov Discrete Dynamical System

L. N. Charyulu Rompicharla, Venkata Sundaranand Putcha, and G. V. S. R. Deekshitulu

1-20 -

Eigenspace Based Online Path Planner for Autonomous Mobile Robots

Shyba Zaheer, Imthias Ahamed T.P., Tauseef Gulrez and Zoheb Zaheer

57-71 -

Development of Survey Weighted Composite Indices under Complex Surveys

Deepak Singh, Pradip Basak, Tauqueer Ahmad, Raju Kumar and Anil Rai

73-82 -

Statistical Analysis on Optimal Lockdown Schedule by Developing a Multivariate Prediction model SEIRDVIm

Subhasree Bhattacharjee, Kunal Das, Sahil Zaman, Arindam Sadhu and Bikramjit Sarkar

289-301 -

2023   Volume 21   Issue 2 (New Series)


Analysis of River Water Quality Using Geo-Spatial and Temporal Data: A Case study

K. Muralidharan, Shrey Pandya, Aiman Shaikh, Parth Patel and Jayshree Vanzara

1-15 -

Prediction Intervals in ARCH Models Using Sieve Bootstrap Robust Against Outliers

Samir Barman, Ramasubramanian V., Mrinmoy Ray and Ranjit Kumar Paul

37-58 -

Heterogeneous Auto-Regressive Modeling based Realised Volatility Forecasting

G. Avinash, Ramasubramanian V. and Badri Narayanan Gopalakrishnan

121-140 -

A Bimodal Extension of Suja Distribution with Applications

Samuel U. Enogwe, Emmanuel W. Okereke and Gabriel C. Ibeh

155-173 -

Agricultural Price Forecasting Based on Variational Mode Decomposition and Time-Delay Neural Network

Kapil Choudhary, Girish K. Jha, Ronit Jaiswal, P. Venkatesh and Rajender Parsad

235-257 -

Topp-Leone Generated q-Weibull Distribution and its Applications

Nicy Sebastian, Jeena Joseph and Sona Santhosh

279-297 -

2023   Volume 21   Issue 1 (New Series)


Statistical Model for Brand Loyalty and Switching

Kumaraswamy Kandukuri and Bhatracharyulu N.Ch

1-9 -

Evaluating Batsman using Survival Analysis

Parag Shah, R. D. Chaudhari and M. N. Patel

51-62 -

Discrete Harris Extended Weibull Distribution and Applications

Sophia P. Thomas, Lishamol Tomy and K. K. Jose

63-79 -

Estimation of Area under the Multi-Class ROC for Non-Normal Data

Arunima S. Kannan and R. Vishnu Vardhan

113-121 -

Properties of Partial Product Processes

Babu D., Sutha M., Neelakandan R. and Elumalai P.

179-185 -

Single Server Poisson Queueing Model with Additive Exponential Service Time Distribution

Ch. Ganapathi Swamy, K. Srinivasa Rao and S. Govinda Rao

231-244 -

The Direct Method for the Optimal Solution of a Transportation Problem

Priyanka Malviya, Sushma Jain and Rina Agrawal

245-249 -

2022   Volume 20   Issue 2 (New Series)


Design a Soft Computing DECEL Model to Optimize Water Usage in Irrigation Management

Pradeep H.K., Jasma Balasangameshwara, K. Rajan, Archana B.K.

1-13 -

A Survey on Cyclic Solution of Block Designs

Shyam Saurabh and Kishore Sinha

123-133 -

Almost Unbiased Dual Exponential Type Estimators of Population Mean Using Auxiliary Information

Sajad Hussain, Manish Sharma, Banti Kumar and Vilayat Ali Bhat

147-156 -

Theory and Applicability of the Weighted Modified Lindley Distribution

Christophe Chesneau, Lishamol Tomy and Jiju Gillariose

157-175 -

Bayesian Credible Intervals for Generalized Inverse Weibull Distribution

Kamaljit Kaur, Sangeeta Arora and Kalpana K. Mahajan

177-188 -

Robust Parameter Design Using 20 Run Plackett-Burman Design

Renu Kaul and Sanjoy Roy Chowdhury

189-201 -

Improvisation of Dataset Efficiency in Visual Question Answering Domain

Sheerin Sitara Noor Mohamed and Kavitha Srinivasan

279-289 -

2022   Volume 20   Issue 1 (New Series)


Estimation in Shifted Lindley Distribution

Saran Ishika Maiti, Sourav Rana and Arindom Chakraborty

247-263 -

Bayesian Modeling of VAR Model with Multiple Covariates

Umme Afifa, Varun Agiwal and Jitendra Kumar

265-277 -

2021   Volume 19   Issue 2 (New Series)


On DUS Transformed Weibull Distribution and its Properties

Kalsoom Akhtar Chaudhry and Javaria Shareef

1-12 -

Factors Affecting on the Usage Pattern of Cloud Storage in Vadodara City of Gujarat

Khimya Tinani, Bhargav Choithwani, Bhagyashree Patil, Pathan Faiyazkhan and Tanvi Salat

27-39 -

Generalized Lindley Shared Frailty Models

Arvind Pandey, David D. Hanagal and Shikhar Tyagi

41-62 -

Depicting Bivariate Relationship with a Gaussian Ellipse

Jyotirmoy Sarkar and Mamunur Rashid

77-87 -

Irrigation Practices and Soft Computing Applications: A Review

Pradeep H.K., Jasma Balasangameshwara, M.S. Sheshshayee, K. Rajan and Prabhudev Jagadeesh

181-198 -

Uniform Spacings — a Bird’s-eye View

Sthitadhi Das and Saran Ishika Maiti

217-230 -

2021   Volume 19   Issue 1 (New Series)

Special Issue "Contributions to Combinatorics, Design of Experiments, Linear Algebra and Related Areas" in the memory of Late Professor Aloke Dey who left for his heavenly abode on 10 February 2020


Unbalanced Two-symbol 𝐸 (𝑠^2)-Optimal Designs

Dursun A. Bulutoglu, Kashinath Chatterjee, Stelios D. Georgiou, Christos Koukouvinos, Kenneth J. Ryan and Stella Stylianou

11-28 -

Bulk Behaviour of Skew-Symmetric Patterned Random Matrices

Arup Bose and Soumendu Sundar Mukherjee

41-60 -

Tests for Equality of Hazard Quantile Functions

Pooja Soni, Isha Dewan and Kanchan Jain

77-93 -

A Cost Effective Approach to the Design and Analysis of Multi–group Experiments

Satya Prakash Singh, Shyamal D. Peddada, Ori Davidov

95-106 -

Unifying Constructions of Group Divisible Designs

Shyam Saurabh, Kishore Sinha and Mithilesh Kumar Singh

125-140 -

Small Area Estimation – Some Applications in NSSO Surveys

A. K. Srivastava and Hukum Chandra

149-172 -

Some Existence on Ordered Multi-designs

Kazuki Matsubara and Sanpei Kageyama

173-186 -

A Note on the Folklore of Free Independence

Arijit Chakrabarty, Sukrit Chakraborty and Rajat Subhra Hazra

187-198 -

Stratified Subsampling Based p-values for Hypothesis Tests in Genomics Research

Sudesh Pundir, Yanrong Ji, Arunima Shilpi and Ramana V. Davuluri

209-221 -

Locally Optimal Binary Crossover Designs

Siuli Mukhopadhyay, Satya Prakash Singh and Arpan Singh

223-246 -

Multiway Blocking of Designs of Experiments

Nam-Ky Nguyen, Tung-Dinh Pham, Mai Phuong Vuong

247-255 -

Optimal Row-Column Designs with Three Rows

J. P. Morgan and Siriluck Jermjitpornchai

257-275 -

On a Process of Rumour Propagation

Farkhondeh Alsadat Sajadi and Rahul Roy

443-451 -

Analysis of Replicated Order-of-Addition Experiments

Jianbin Chen, Xue-Ru Zhang and Dennis K.J. Lin

453-466 -

2020   Volume 18   Issue 2 (New Series)

Special Issue "Challenges and Opportunities in Statistical Data Designing and Inference in the Emerging Global Scenario" in honour of twin statisticians Bimal and Bikas Sinha on their 75th Birthday


Wanted! A Mathematician

Jyotirmoy Sarkar

1-14 -

Discriminating Between Superior UE(s^2)-optimal Supersaturated Designs

Feng- Shun Chai, Ashish Das, Rakhi Singh and John Stufken

67-74 -

A New Family of Probability Density Functions With Deflated Tails

Avinash D. Dharmadhikari, Sanjeev V. Sabnis and Bikas K. Sinha

75-84 -

Quantifying Spatial and Temporal Relationships Among Tree-Ring Records

Megan Heyman, Scott St George and Snigdhansu Chatterjee

163-185 -

Bayesian Mixture Designs for Hypothesis Testing

N.K. Mandal and Manisha Pal

207-221 -

A Comparative Study of Approximate Bayesian Computation Methods for Gibbs Point Processes

Jiaxun Chen, Athanasios C. Micheas and Scott H. Holan

223-248 -

Horseshoe and Strawderman-Berger Estimators for Non-negative Normal Means

Neha Agarwala and Junyong Park and Anindya Roy

317-332 -

Finite Mixture Modelling of Survival Data: With Applications to Pensioner Lifetime

Jyrki Mottonen, Janne Salonen, Tapio Nummi and Timothy E. O’Brien

333-351 -

Estimation of Kurtosis Parameters of Multivariate Populations

Nighat Zahra, Muhammad Kashif Ali Shah and S. Ejaz Ahmed

353-368 -

Finite Sample Properties of A-Optimal Designs for Binary Response Data

Rajesh Ranjan Nandy, Srichand Jasti and Karabi Nandy

383-391 -

2020   Volume 18   Issue 1 (New Series)


Weighted Sustainable Development Goal Index

A.K. Nigam and Manoj Kumar Pant

55-62 -

Critical Community Size for COVID-19: A Model Based Approach for Strategic Lockdown Policy

Sarmistha Das, Pramit Ghosh, Bandana Sen, Saumyadipta Pyne and Indranil Mukhopadhyay

181-196 -

Transition from Social Vulnerability to Resiliency vis-à-vis COVID-19

S. Pyne, S. Ray, R. Gurewitsch and M. Aruru

197-208 -

What if Lockdown is Removed? District Level Predictions for Maharashtra and Gujarat

Srimanti Dutta, Kalyan Das, Kashinath Chatterjee and Arindom Chakraborty

209-221 -

Analysis and Forecasting of COVID-19 Cases Across Hotspot States of India

Khimya Tinani, K. Muralidharan, Akash Deshmukh, Bhagyashree Patil, Tanvi Salat and Rajeshwari Rajodia

223-238 -

Impact of COVID-19 on Payment Transactions

Ashish Das, Suchismita Das, Aashima Jaiswal and Tushar Sonthalia

239-251 -

A Mixture of Regressions Model of COVID-19 Death Rates and Population Comorbidities

M. Maleki, G. J. McLachlan, R. Gurewitsch, M. Aruru, S. Pyne

295-306 -

Change Point Modeling of Covid-19 Data in the United States

Sheng Zhang, Ziyue Xu and Hanxiang Peng

307-318 -

2019   Volume 17   Issue 1 (New Series)

Special Volume to Felicitate Professor Arun Kumar Nigam on his 75th Birthday


Professor Arun Kumar Nigam: A Tribute

V.K. Gupta and Rahul Mukerjee

1-10 -

Small Area Estimation Methods for Poverty Mapping: A Selective Review

Isabel Molina , J.N.K. Rao and Maria Guadarrama

11-22 -

Optimum Repeated Measurement Mixture Designs

Manisha Pal and Nripes K. Mandal

41-51 -

Characterization and Optimal Designs for Discrete Choice Experiments

Feng-Shun Chai, Ashish Das and Soumen Manna

85-103 -

Ranked Set Sampling: A Review with New Initiative on Extreme Ranked Set Sampling

Neeraj Tiwari, Girish Chandra and Raman Nautiyal

121-139 -

Disparity in Rural Poverty in Indo-Gangetic Plain in India: A Disaggregate Level Analysis

Hukum Chandra, Swati Gupta and Pankaj K. P. Shreyaskar

179-191 -

UMVU Estimation in Gamma Model with Inliers at Zero and One

K. Muralidharan and Pratima Bavagosai

193-207 -

Nutrition Atlas of ICMR-National Institute of Nutrition: An Informatics Platform on Nutrition in India

Vishnu Vardhana Rao Mendu, Shyam Perugu, Munikumar Manne, Rajeswari Bolla, Meghana Aruru, Saumyadipta Pyne

209-219 -

2018   Volume 16   Issue 2 (New Series)


An Adroit Strategy Randomized Response Model Using Fuzzy Numbers

Tanveer Ahmad Tarray, Muzafar Rasool Bhat and Peer Bilal Ahmad

49-63 -

Some Constructions of Alpha-Resolvable Balanced Incomplete Block Designs

Bharti Agrawal, Shakti Banerjee and Rashmi Awad

65-76 -

Mixture Designs Based On Hadamard Matrices

Poonam Singh, Vandana Sarin and Rashmi Goel

77-87 -

Detection of Outlying Cells in Two-Way Contingency Tables

Sripriya T.P. and M.R. Srinivasan

103-113 -

Negative Adaptive Cluster Double Sampling

R.V. Latpate1 and J.K. Kshirsagar

115-131 -

2018   Volume 16   Issue 1 (New Series)

Special Issue on Survey Methodology and Applications (To felicitate Professor J.N.K. Rao on his 80th birthday)


J.N.K. Rao – A Tribute

V.K. Gupta and Rahul Mukerjee

1-19 -

Joint Imputation Procedures for Categorical Variables

Helene Chaput, Guillaume Chauvet, David Haziza, Laurianne Salembier and Julie Solard

123-144 -

Controlled Sampling – A Review

Arun Nigam, Neeraj Tiwari and B.N. Mandal

145-169 -

Bayesian Logistic Regression for Small Areas with Numerous Households

Balgobin Nandram, Lu Chen, Shuting Fu and Binod Manandhar

171-205 -

Bayesian Predictive Inference for Finite Population Quantities Under Informative Sampling

Junheng Ma, Joe Sedransk, Balgobin Nandram and Lu Chen

207-226 -

A Random Effect Model Approach to Survey Data Integration

Eunseon Gwak, Jae Kwang Kim and Youngwon Kim

227-243 -

Selection of Small Area Estimators

Maria Jose Lombardia, Esther Lopez-Vizcano and Cristina Rueda

269-288 -

Population Estimation when Median of the Study Variable is Known

S.K. Yadav, Sat Gupta and Sheela Misra

339-350 -

Poverty Indicators at Local Level: Definitions, Comparisons in Real Terms and Small Area Estimation Methods

Luigi Biggeri, Caterina Giusti, Stefano Marchetti and Monica Pratesi

351-364 -

Variance Modeling for Domains

Sam Hawala and Partha Lahiri

399-409 -

2017   Volume 15   1 & 2 (New Series)2017

Special Issue on Randomized Response Techniques and Their Applications


An Empirical Estimator In Randomized Response Sampling

Michael Lee Johnson, Stephen A. Sedory and Sarjinder Singh

37-62 -

Two-Stage Randomized Response Group-Testing Model

Neeraj Tiwari and Prachi Mehta

193-199 -

2015   Volume 13   Issues 1 & 2 (New Series)

Special Issue on Statistical Concerns in Child Health and Nutrition.


Determinants of child malnutrition in empowered action group (EAG) states of India

Shambhavi Mishra, Chandra M. Pandey, Yogendra P. Chaubey and Uttam Singh

pp. 1-9 -

Growth pattern in Indian children

K.N. Agarwal, A.K. Bansal and D.K. Agarwal

pp. 11-23 -

Undernutrition in children under-two years (U2) in India –An analysis of determinants

Tulsi Adhikari, Sheila C. Vir, R.J. Yadav and Arvind Pandey

pp. 25-36 -

Diarrhoea in rural children – Some environmental correlates

V.K. Srivastava, A.K. Nigam and R.P. Misra

pp. 57-61 -

Child undernutrition in India: Age-wise trend and risk factors

Sheila C. Vir, T. Adhikari, Arvind Pandey, A.K. Nigam and Richa Malik

pp. 85-93 -

Epidemiological appraisal of neonatal mortality in India: Conventional vs. hierarchical models

Bhaskar Thakur, Vishnubhatla Sreenivas, Sada Nand Dwivedi and Arvind Pandey

pp. 95-114 -

2014   Volume 12   Issues 1 & 2 (New Series)


Decision Tree Based Models for Classification in Agricultural Ergonomics

Sandip Kumar Sadhu, Ramasubramanian V., Anil Rai and Adarsh Kumar

pp. 21 -

Variants of SuDoKu as Useful Experimental Designs

Jyotirmoy Sarkar and Bikas K Sinha

pp. 35 -

Application of Time Series Intervention Modelling for Modelling and Forecasting Cotton Yield

Mrinmoy Ray, Ramasubramanian V., Amrender Kumar and Anil Rai

pp. 61 -

Structurally Incomplete Row-Column Designs with Multiple Units per Cell

Anindita Datta, Seema Jaggi, Cini Varghese and Eldho Varghese

pp. 71 -

2013   Volume 11   Issues 1 & 2 (New Series)

Special Issue in Memory of Professor MN Das


Optimal design for prediction using local linear regression and the DSI-criterion

Verity A. Fisher, David C. Woods and Susan M. Lewis*

pp. 33-54 -

Some pairwise additive cyclic BIB designs

Kazuki Matsubara and Sanpei Kageyama*

pp. 55-78 -

Group Testing Designs: A Combinatorial Marvel

S. B. Rao, Bikas K. Sinha* and Prasad Rao

pp. 111-126 -

Controlled Sampling: A Review

Raghunath Arnab*

pp. 127-146 -

Detection of outliers in designed experiments in presence of masking

Lalmohan Bhar, V. K. Gupta* and Rajender Parsad

pp. 147 -

2012   Volume 10   Issues 1 & 2 (New Series)



Block Designs Balanced for Second Order Interference Effects from Neighbouring Experimental Units

Arpan Bhowmik, Seema Jaggi, Cini Varghese and Eldho Varghese*

pp. 1-12 -

Interpreting genotype by environment interaction using weather covariates

Roma Rani Das, Anil Kumar V. , Sujay Rakshit, Ravikanth Maraboina, Sanjeev Panwar, Seema Savadia and Abhishek Rathore*

pp. 45-62 -

2011   Volume 9   Issues 1 & 2 (New Series)



Epidemiological appraisal of neonatal mortality in India: Conventional vs. hierarchical models

Bhaskar Thakur, Vishnubhatla Sreenivas, Sada Nand Dwivedi and Arvind Pandey


Remote sensing based wheat acreage and spectral-trend-agrometeorological Yield Forecasting : Factor Analysis Approach

Urmil Verma, D. S. Dabas, R. S. Hooda, M. H. Kalubarme, Manoj Yadav, M. S. Grewal, M. P. Sharma and R. Prawasi

pp. 1-14 -

Min-max representation of features for grading cured tobacco leaves

D S Guru, P B Mallikarjuna, S Manjunath1 and M M Shenoi

pp. 15-30 -

Diarrhoea in rural children – Some environmental correlates

V.K. Srivastava, A.K. Nigam and R.P. Misra

pp. 57-61 -

Child undernutrition in India: Age-wise trend and risk factors

Sheila C. Vir, T. Adhikari, Arvind Pandey, A.K. Nigam and Richa Malik

pp. 85-93 -

2009-10   Volume 7 & 8   Issues 1 & 2 (New Series)



Variance׳um groupפivisible third order slope rotatable designs

G.V.S.R. Anjaneyulu, R. Md. Mastan Shareef and V.L. Narasimham

pp. 37-46 -

Exchange rate and Indian capital market

Indrajit Roy and Dipankar Biswas

pp. 47-66 -

Comparison of banks with respect to cheque collection policy

A. D. Naga Venkata Ramarao, Ashish Das and Chand Midha

pp. 67 -

2008   Volume 6   Issues 1 & 2 (New Series)

Special Issue in honour of Prof. Aloke Dey


Professor Aloke Dey: a tribute

Rahul Mukerjee

pp. 1-4 -

Construction and classification of orthogonal arrays with small numbers of runs

Kenny Q. Ye, DongKwon Park, William Li, Angela M. Dean

pp. 5-16 -

On a method to construct magic rectangles of odd order

Chand K. Midha, J. P. De Los Reyes, Ashish Das and L.Y. Chan

17-24 -

Conditionally optimal small composite designs

Ray-Bing Chen, Yu-Jen Tsai and Dennis K. J. Lin

pp. 35-56 -

Compatibility of BIB designs

Masanori Sawa, Sanpei Kageyama and Masakazu Jimbo

pp. 73-89 -

Blocked regular mixed factorial designs with maximum estimation capacity

Mingyao Ai and Yuanzhen He


On searching probability of two-factor interaction

Kashinath Chatterjee, Sudhir Gupta and Angshuman Sarkar

pp. 125-140 -

Estimation of distinct elements of a covariance matrix : MINQUE and MINQE

Yogendra P. Chaubey and Prosanta K. Mondal

pp. 157-170 -

Optimum mixture designs under constraints on mixing components

Nripes K. Mandal, Manisha Pal, Bikas K. Sinha and Premadhis Das

189-205 -

Outliers in multi-response experiments

Rajender Parsad, P. K. Nandi, L. M. Bhar and V. K. Gupta

275-292 -

Statistics and Applications ISSN 2454-7395(online)

2007   Volume 5   Issues 1 & 2 (New Series)



Inaugural Address of the 10th Conference

Role of women in rural development

Rajpal Singh

pp. 1-4

Incomplete non-circular block designs for competition effects

Dinesh Kumar Peteria, Seema Jaggi, Cini Verghese and M.N. Das

pp. 5-14

Estimating output gap for industrial sector for Indian Economy: A multivariate unobserved component approach

Sanjib Bardoloi and A.K. Tripathi

pp. 15-36

Statistical methods for constituting core subsets of germplagm collections

R. Balakrishnan

pp. 37-56

Construction of rectangular designs and related balanced arrays from balanced incomplete block designs

R.K. Mitra, N.K. Mandal and G.M. Saha

pp. 57-62

Statistical analysis of osmotic dehydration process for papaya cubes

S.K. Jain, H.K. Jain, R.C. Verma, L.K. Murdia

pp. 63-76

Finding Eigen values related to precision of estimates gca effects using dialed crossing plans Computer Applications

Aloke Lahiri and M.N. Das

pp. 77-80

A convenient algorithm with program for generation of Perennial calendar

M.N. Das and Shubhankar Majumder,Mukti Kant Shukla

pp. 81-84

Abstracts of papers presented in tenth annual conference of society of statistics, Computer and Applications

pp. 85-106

Proceedings of the 10th annual conference of Society of Statistics, Computer and Applications held at St. Thomas College, Pala, Kerala

pp. 107-124


pp. 125

2006   Volume 4   Issue 2 (New Series)



Impact of information technology on agricultural development

Vikas J. Patil and Charudatta A. Nimbalkar

pp. 1-12

A two sex population model with harvesting

V.K. Goyal, S.C. Gupta and S.D. Batra

pp. 13-26

Discriminating using fuzzy grades

R.A. Ingolikar, U.A. Lanjewar and P.G. Khot

pp. 27-34

Alternative estimators of the parameter of exponential failure model under k-stage type I progressive censoring

M.N. Patel

pp. 35-44

A computer Program for cluster analysis method to multiple comparison

U. Swarup Chand, C.V. Rao and M.N. Das

pp. 45-54

Construction of magic rectangles with tables when row and column numbers are both odd

M.N. Das and Prasenjit Sarkar

pp. 55-68

Abstracts of papers presented in the 9th annual conference of Society of Statistics, Computer and Application at Saurastra University, Rajkot

pp. 69-82

Proceedings of the 9th annual conference of Society of Statistics, Computer and Application at Saurastra University, Rajkot

pp. 83-87


pp. 88

2006   Volume 4   Issue 1 (New Series)



NSS 59th round (January-December 2003)

Abstracts of invited talks

Status of computer education and self made software in India

M.N. Das

pp. 1-6

Rural Development what is lacking!

A.K. Nigam

pp. 7-12

Observation on situation assessment of farmer households

S.D. Sharma and U.C. Sud

pp. 13

Women of rural India in economic developments revealed by census

D. Roy Choudhury

pp. 29-38

Women of rural India in economic developments revealed by census

D. Roy Choudhury

pp. 29-38

Construction and use of magic square and magic rectangles

J.P. De Los Reyes, Ahmad Pourdarvish, Chand K. Midha and Ashish Das

pp. 39-46

Blocked non-regular 24-run factorial designs

M.L. Aggarwal, S. Roy Chowdhury, Renu Kaul and Neena Mital

pp. 47-70

Balanced Incomplete block designs and fractional simplex designs

M.K. Sharma

pp. 71

Introduction to revenue Management: The management of the perishables

Gautam Dutta

pp. 77

Plant Genetic Resources Information management system

R.C. Agarwal

pp. 78

Abstracts of papers presented during the 8th annual conference of society of statistics, Computer and Applications at Amravati

pp. 81-110

Proceedings of the 8th annual conference of Society of statistics, Computer and Applications, New Delhi from 28th to 30th November at Amravati

pp. 111-116

2005   Volume 3   Issues 1 & 2 (New Series)


A novel approach to handle multiple instances of ionic objects

Micro planning for rural development in India

M.N. Das

pp. 1-8

Financial risk management: Some statistical issues

A.K. Nag

pp. 9-15

Rural development through agricultural based intervention

Mruthyunjaya, Sant Kumar and Shailendra

pp. 15-23

Rural planning: Data limitations and gaps

B.N. Kulkarni and J.P. Ahuja

pp. 23-30

Emerging issues for sustainable agricultural development in Rajasthan

K.A. Varghese

pp. 31-46

Some indicartors of rural development: An analysis through census data

D. Roy Chaudhury

pp. 47-56

Development of rural areas for mass employment

P.K. Dasora and V.K. Vijay

pp. 57-64

Neural network for forecasting of headline inflation rate

Sanjib Bordoloi

pp. 65-86

Artificial neural network (ANN) for prediction of coconut yield

M. Balakrishnan, K. Meena and S.Shunmugasundram

pp. 89-92

Finding and comparing frequent item sets in aggregate data sets and clustered datasets

E. Ramaraj amd M. Punithavali

pp. 93-100

Markovian analysis of rural development data

R.G. Kedia and D.T. Deshmukh

pp. 101-106

Factorization of language constraints in speech recognition

E. Ramraj and E. Chandra

pp. 107-116

A dissimilarity measure based spatial similarity retrieval of symbolic images:

P. Punitha and D.S. Guru

pp. 117

Data protection and reliability measures through file back up

H.P.S. Parihar, S. Srivastava and D. P. Rai.

pp. 133-138

Abstracts of Papers

pp. 153-184

Invariant moment based feature extraction for classification of epigraphical characters.

K. Srikanta Murthy, O. Hemanta Kumar and P. Shivakumar

pp. 165-176

Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute: A Profile

pp. 185-190

Proceedings of seventh annual conference

pp. 191

2004   Volume 1   Issue 1 (New Series)


Choice of outcome measure and baseline risk as an explanation of heterogeneity in meta-analysis

Girdhar G. Agarwal and S.D. Walter

Statistics in rural development, health and nutrition

A.K. Nigam

pp. 1-8

Uttar Pradesh - A profile through banking statistics

Pardeep Maria and Praggya Das

pp. 9

Emerging issues of agriculture: database for socio-economic and policy research - A statistical perspective

K.A. Varghese, Azad Mardia and K. Dashora

pp. 57-68

Rural poverty and income inequality: some issues for policy interventions


pp. 69-90

Eigenvalue based polygonal approximation of region of interest useful for area estimation

D.S. Guru and r. Dinesh

pp. 91-100

A novel feature extraction scheme for Malayalam character recognition

Hemantha Kumar, G. Shivakumara, Noushath

pp. 101-114

Rural development indexing the various dimensions of development at the village level

H..S. Parihar, Sridhar Srivastava and D.P.Rai

pp. 115-134

Mid-course bifurcation of plots in long term fertilizer experiments

M.R. Vats, D.K. Sehgal and D.K. Mehta

pp. 135-146

Abstract of papers for presented in the Sixth Annual Conference of the Society of Statistics, Computer and Applications at Lucknow University, Lucknow, December 5-7, 2003

pp. 147

About the conference and the proceedings of the General Body Meeting of the Society of Statistics, Computer and Applications held on 6th December, 2003 at 5.30 PM at Department of Statistics, Lucknow

pp. 167

2003   Volume 1   Issues 1 & 2 (New Series)


Reforms in payment and settlement system

Radhey Shyam

Official statistics: past, present and future

S. Ray

pp. 1-12

Financial statistics in national accounting

A.C. Kulshreshta

pp. 13-22

Lag selection in time series framework using genetic search procedure

Ashok: K. Nag and Amit Mitra

pp. 23-40

Impact of 9/11 tragedy in U.S.A. on freight and insurance components

Amit Kumar Sharma

pp. 53-68

Enhanced scope of the scheme of cost study survey and 'FARMAP'

K.A. Varghese

pp. 69-80

Statistical methodology for skew detection in binary text detection for document image mosaicing

P.Shivakumara,D.S.Guru,G.Hemantha and P. Nagabhusan

pp. 81-90

Innovative computerized method for proxy attendance control and library automation

Anit Bhatnagar and Azad Mordia

pp. 91-98

Abstracts of papers presented in fifth annual conference of the society in Rajasthan College of agriculture, Udaiur, 17-19 January, 2001

pp. 99

2002   Volume 4   Issue 1


measure for constituting diversity groups that form the basis for stratified random sampling

N.V. Nair

Indian economic and financial series

Finance, growth, information flows and role of statistics

R.B. Barman

pp. 1-8

Statistics and computer science with an innovative algorithm for multi-field sorting of database files using a single sort

M.N. Das

pp. 9-22

Strategies for developing core subsets of germplasm collections: 1 The use of an information

R. Balakrishnan, K.K. Suresh

pp. 23

Time series modelling with genetic neural networks: case studies of some important

Ashok K. Nag and Amit Mitra

pp. 37

Crop production forecasting in India using remote sensing data

J.S. Parihar and M.P. Oza

pp. 59-68

Power comparison of some optimum invariant tests of multiple correlation with partial information

R. Cleroux and N. Giri

pp. 69-74

Statistical system in India and role of Central Statistical Organization

A.C. Kulshreshtha

pp. 75-80

Teacher Comer A procedure for obtaining factorial effects of any factorial experiment

Jyoti Divecha and Rajarajan Aiyenger

pp. 81-84

Proceedings of the IV annual general body meeting of the Society held at Rajkot

pp. 85

2002   Volume 4   Issue 2


Strategies for developing core subsets of germplasm collections: The use of an information measure for directed selection on the basis of higher diversity

R. Balakrishnan, N.V. Nair and K.K. Suresh

pp. 91-106

Seasonal modeling and forecasting of crop production

P. Balasubramanian and Dhanavanthan

pp. 107-118

A modified definition of random sampling designs and its use to obtain new sampling design and its use to obtain new sampling designs and a convenient method of estimation of variance

M.N. Das and Aloke Lahiri

pp. 119-128

Constraints identification in adoption of artificial insemination programme in northern region of India

S.B. Agarwal, J.P. Dhakal, R.N. Malik and A.K. Gupta

pp. 129-136

Fifth Annual Conference of the Society of Statistics, Computer and Application in Rajasthan College of Agriculture, MPUAT, Udaipur

pp. 137

2001   Volume 3   Issues 1 & 2


The integrated mean squared error design citerion for a multiresponse model

Andre I. Khuri

pp. 1-8

A note on a characterization of C-designs

G.M. Saha & B.K. Samanta

pp. 9-11

Nearly L-designs for symmetric parallel line assays

F.S. Chai & Ashish Das

pp. 11-24

Sequentially counter balanced Latin squares

P.D. Issac, A.M. Dean & T. Ostrom

pp. 25-46

Determination of the size of semi-controlled experiments with derived factors

C.J. Sexton & S.M. Lewis

pp. 47-60

Further asymmetric orthogonal arrays

Aloke Dey & Chung-yi Suen

pp. 61-64

A financial information system for India : Data warehousing approach

R.B. Barman & A.K. Nag

pp. 65-80

Efficiency factor of a block design for test versus control multi-factor experiments

S. Gupta & Woo-Sun Lee

pp. 81-88

Group testing for identification of defective components: An application of orthogonal arrays

S. Adhikari, J.K. Ghosh & Bikas K. Sinha

pp. 89-96

On resolvable group divisible designs

Chand K. Midha

pp. 117-120

On improved estimation parameters subject to order restrictions

S.A. Dunbar, M. Conaway & Shyamal Das Peddada

pp. 121-128

A note on Manova in oblique axes system

N. Giri

pp. 129-132

Block designs for comparing test treatments with control treatments an overview

V.K. Gupta & Rajender Parsad

pp. 133-146

A-optimal cubic and quartic regression designs in asymmetric factor spaces

A. Luoma, N.K. Mandal & Bikas K. Sinha

pp. 147-154

E-optimal exact designs

Fu-Chuen chang & Lorens A. Imhof

pp. 155-164

Further study on optimal row-column designs with unequal row and column sizes

Rita Saha Ray

pp. 165-176

On the analysis of nonorthogonal saturated designs using effect sparsity

Weizhen Wang & Daniel T. Voss

pp. 177-192

A balanced two-stage allocation design for normal response

Kashinath Chatterjee & Uttam Bandyopadhyay

pp. 193-200

Some optimal balanced residual treatment effects designs

M.L. Aggarwal & Mithilesh Kumar Jha

pp. 201

2000   Volume 2   Issues 1 & 2


An Efficient and Simple Algorithm

A general Procedure for Obtaining Pythagorus Triplets Exhaustively

Statistics for Research and Development in Agriculture

T.V. Sreenivasan

pp. 1-6

Asymptotic Distribution of some Estimators Subject to Order Restrictions

Xiaofeng Tan and Shyamal Das Peddada

pp. 7-26

Census Data : Quality Control Procedures

K.S. Natarajana

pp. 27-48

Some strategies of Obtaining Core Samples from Germplasm Collection using Strata of Geographical Origins A case Study in Safflower (C. tinctorius L.)

R. Balakrishnan and K.K. Suresh

pp. 49-64

Prediction and Validation of North East Monsoon Rainfall for Selected Locations of Tamil Nadu

V. Geethalakshmi, R. Selvaraju, C. Vasanthi, T.N. Balasubramanian, John Mc. Bride, Samsul Huda, David George, Jeff Clewett and Rangasamy

pp. 65-68

Risk Analysis through Monte Carlo Simulation Techniques for Power Projects

Urmil Verma, N.P. Singh and R.K. Tuteja

pp. 69-84

An adaptive Binary Search Based Sorting by Insertion

D.S. Guru, H.J. Raghavendra Chari and M.G. Suraj

pp. 85

Statistical Profession ֠New Challenges

M.S. Asokan

pp. 97-100

A General Computer Program for Analysis of All Types of Two-Way Designs and Data

M.N. Das and Ashish Das

pp. 101-104

Teachers Corner

M.N. Das and Prasenjit Sarkar

pp. 105

1999   Volume 1   Issue 2


Indian Statistical System at Cross Roads in the New Millennium

N.J. Kurian

pp. 109-114

Data Requirements and Gaps in the Compilation of National Accounts Statistics

A.C. Kulshreshtha and Ramesh Kolli

pp. 115-144

A Study of Intensity of Trade Export from Indian to Different Economic Blocks of the World

S.K. Nath

pp. 145-155

Ancient Indian Mathematics for Present-day Curriculum and Use

M.N. Das and S.D. Sharma

pp. 155-174

A Strategy for Analysis of Experiments Involving Split Application of Fertilizer

P.K. Batra, Rajender Parsad, V.K. Gupta and O.P. Khanduri

pp. 175-188

Spline Technique and its Application for Projection and Forecasting of Land Use Pattern

B.L. Misra, S.S. Rana and A.K. Gupta

pp. 189-200

1999   Volume 1   Issue 1


Balanced Incomplete Block Diallel Cross Designs

Ashish Das and D.K. Ghosh

pp. 1-16

Response Surface Designs, Symmetrical and Asymmetrical , Rotatable and Modified

M.N. Das, Rajender Parsad and V.P. Manocha

pp. 17-34

Universally Optimal Block Designs for Diallel Crosses

Rajender Parsad, V.K. Gupta and R. Srivastava

pp. 35-52

Multivariate Analysis of Variance Using Distances in Oblique Axes System

M.N. Das

pp. 53-62

Sampling Schemes by Combining Two or More Sample Spaces

Aloke Lahiri

pp. 63-72

Some Vedic Mathematical Methods and Their Use in Computer Software

S.D. Sharma and M.N. Das

pp. 73-88

Streamlining Some Innovative Banking Services And An Algorithm Therefore

Ashish Das, Praggya Das and M.N. Das

pp. 89-100